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About the Viking village "Kaup"

The village annually hosts the Viking Age festival "Kaup", on an area of 14 hectares, which attracts more than 7,000 guests from both the Kaliningrad region and Russia, as well as from the European Union and the Baltic states. More than 100 reenactors such as warriors, artisans, artists, musicians and chefs of medieval cuisine take part in the organization of the festival.

Viking village Kaup - reconstruction of an early medieval settlement based on the archeology of Prussian and Scandinavian settlements and forts. Circular settlements from 25 to 100 meters in diameter are characteristic of our region in the first millennium of our era. The mound is surrounded by a moat and a rampart; the entrance group is represented by a gate tower and a fragment of a stockade. Nowadays, a pottery workshop with a kiln for firing, a smithy, a shed for artisans, a medieval tavern are built on the site, two more residential buildings of the Viking era are under construction.

There is a picturesque lake near the settlement, and soon there will be built a shipyard and two drakkars - ships of the Viking era, 9 meters long.

One of the most impressive structures in the Viking village is the Long Viking House, built in 2019. The house is 27 meters long and 10 meters wide. The Long House hosts mass events such as a medieval feast, concerts of folk groups and performances by reenactors of the early Middle Ages.

What do we want to do in the project ...

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to make two entrance groups - the central and rear gate towers, which are connected by a palisade passing along the shaft along which there is a moat below. It is planned to build a new forge and a medieval kitchen on the territory of the village.

Проект строительства Каупа

Проект строительства Каупа

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Надвратная башня уже готова!

   В деревне викингов «Кауп» в пос. Романово Зеленоградского городского округа закончено возведение основной входной группы-надвратной башни. Высота башни составляет 10 метров, длина – 14 метров. Надвратная башня имеет три этажа и выполнена полностью из древесины по технологиям эпохи викингов-9-11 веков.


This site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of KPO HRC Kaup and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and Russian Federation

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